"Bevat: 1. Mine eyes have seen the glory 2. When Johnny comes marching home 3. Lonesome road 4. Twelve gates to the city 5. De profundis: A psalm for the night-wanderer 6. All my trials (death's lullaby) 7. Go tell it on the mountain! 8. The enchanted valley / tekst v. A. Crumb 9. Shenandoah" . ": songs of strife, love, mystery and exultation : a cycle of American Civil War songs, folk songs and spirituals : for singer, percussion quartet and amplified piano : American songbook IV : (preliminary version) / George Crumb" . "CRUMB, ANN |f [tekstdichter]" . "Bevat: 1. Mine eyes have seen the glory 2. When Johnny comes marching home 3. Lonesome road 4. Twelve gates to the city 5. De profundis: A psalm for the night-wanderer 6. All my trials (death's lullaby) 7. Go tell it on the mountain! 8. The enchanted valley / tekst v. A. Crumb 9. Shenandoah" . "New York [etc.] : Peters" . "P68076" . "Nee" . "CAX11107-0010" . "The winds of destiny (s)" . . "eng" . "Voc. bez.: sopraan. - Met lijst van werken. - Teksten apart afgedrukt. - Jaar van comp.: 2004. - Tijdsduur: ca. 45'" . . "The winds of destiny (s)" . "cop. 2004" . "p" . ": songs of strife, love, mystery and exultation : a cycle of American Civil War songs, folk songs and spirituals : for singer, percussion quartet and amplified piano : American songbook IV : (preliminary version) / George Crumb" . "cop. 2004" . . . "us" . "785.39195" . "185878-X" . "483615" . . "Vocale muziek" . "partituur" . "[Score]" . "185878-X 483615 783.6625147 783.66421599147 783.6647147 785.39195 : songs of strife, love, mystery and exultation : a cycle of American Civil War songs, folk songs and spirituals : for singer, percussion quartet and amplified piano : American songbook IV : (preliminary version) / George Crumb American songbook nr. 004 Songs of strife, love, mystery and exultation 2004 Bevat: 1. Mine eyes have seen the glory 2. When Johnny comes marching home 3. Lonesome road 4. Twelve gates to the city 5. De profundis: A psalm for the night-wanderer 6. All my trials (death's lullaby) 7. Go tell it on the mountain! 8. The enchanted valley / tekst v. A. Crumb 9. Shenandoah CAX11107-0010 CRUMB, ANN |f [tekstdichter] CRUMB, GEORGE |f [componist] Nee New York [etc.] : Peters P68076 The winds of destiny The winds of destiny (s) Voc. bez.: sopraan. - Met lijst van werken. - Teksten apart afgedrukt. - Jaar van comp.: 2004. - Tijdsduur: ca. 45' Vocale muziek [Score] cop. 2004 eng p partituur us" . . "483615" . "American songbook nr. 004 Songs of strife, love, mystery and exultation 2004" . "Vocale muziek" . . "The winds of destiny" . "us" . "783.6625147" . . "eng" . "783.66421599147" . . "The winds of destiny" . "Nee" . "P68076" . "Voc. bez.: sopraan. - Met lijst van werken. - Teksten apart afgedrukt. - Jaar van comp.: 2004. - Tijdsduur: ca. 45'" . "185878-X" . "CRUMB, GEORGE |f [componist]" . . "783.6647147" .