"13495" . "AB 1848" . "Nee" . "Kamermuziek" . "Selected keyboard sonatas" . "786.4183" . "Selected keyboard sonatas" . "Sonates, toetsinstrument. Sel." . "786.2183" . . "cop. 1984" . . "HAYDN, JOSEPH |f [componist]" . . "49215" . "/ Haydn ; edited and annotated by Howard Ferguson" . . "partituur" . "Met thematische index, biografie, voorw. en facsimile" . "London : The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music" . "/ Haydn ; edited and annotated by Howard Ferguson" . "p" . . "4" . . "49215" . . "cop. 1984" . "Met thematische index, biografie, voorw. en facsimile" . . . "uk" . "Nee" . . . "Kamermuziek" . "uk" . "Sonates, toetsinstrument. Sel." . . . . "13495" . . . "/ Haydn ; edited and annotated by Howard Ferguson 13495 4 49215 786.2183 786.4183 AB 1848 HAYDN, JOSEPH |f [componist] Kamermuziek London : The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Met thematische index, biografie, voorw. en facsimile Nee Selected keyboard sonatas Sonates, toetsinstrument. Sel. cop. 1984 p partituur uk" . "AB 1848" .