"eng" . "59464" . "1984" . . "783.242163147" . . . . "1984" . "London : EMI" . . "Bron van beschr.: omslag. - Met discografie. - Cop. EMI, 1984" . . . "177631" . "177631" . . . "Nee" . "Aural sculpture" . "album" . . "STRANGLERS" . "uk" . . "Aural sculpture" . . "Nee" . . . "14156" . . . "Populaire muziek" . "/ the Stranglers" . "0-86175-359-3" . "/ the Stranglers" . "59464" . "eng" . "uk" . . "p" . . "/ the Stranglers 0-86175-359-3 14156 177631 1984 59464 783.242163147 Aural sculpture Bron van beschr.: omslag. - Met discografie. - Cop. EMI, 1984 Ilford International Music Publ. [dist.] London : EMI Nee Populaire muziek STRANGLERS album eng p uk" . "Bron van beschr.: omslag. - Met discografie. - Cop. EMI, 1984" . . "International Music Publ. [dist.]" . . "14156" . "Ilford" . "0-86175-359-3" . "Populaire muziek" . . "Aural sculpture" .