"43399" . "0" . "Sea piece with birds" . "0" . "1" . "cop. 1954" . "48932" . "1" . "G. Schirmer's edition of study scores of orchestral works and chamber music |v no. 67" . . . . "Orkestmuziek" . . "Sea piece with birds" . "us" . . "Nee" . "THOMSON, VIRGIL |f [componist]" . "Voor orkest. - Jaar van comp.: 1952. - Tijdsduur: 5'" . "/ Virgil Thomson" . "784.2" . "5" . . "1952" . . "Orkestmuziek" . "New York : Schirmer" . "43399" . . . "p" . "/ Virgil Thomson 0 1 1952 3 4 43399 48932 5 73845 784.2 G. Schirmer's edition of study scores of orchestral works and chamber music |v no. 67 Nee New York : Schirmer Orkestmuziek Sea piece with birds THOMSON, VIRGIL |f [componist] Voor orkest. - Jaar van comp.: 1952. - Tijdsduur: 5' [Study score] cop. 1954 p partituur us" . . "0" . "73845" . "Nee" . "3" . "0" . "48932" . . "3" . "us" . "3" . "Voor orkest. - Jaar van comp.: 1952. - Tijdsduur: 5'" . . "Sea piece with birds" . "3" . . "cop. 1954" . . "/ Virgil Thomson" . "[Study score]" . . "partituur" . . "4" . "3" . "73845" . "3" . .