"7011 781.47 |c Met begeleiding |d With accompaniment 781.588 |c Sterven en de dood |d Dying and death 782.24 |c Cantates, Grootschalige vocale vormen |d Cantatas, Large-scale vocal forms 782.5 |c Gemengd koor |d Mixed choir 782.5241588147" . . "7011" . . "782.24 |c Cantates, Grootschalige vocale vormen |d Cantatas, Large-scale vocal forms" . "7011" . . "781.588 |c Sterven en de dood |d Dying and death" . "782.5 |c Gemengd koor |d Mixed choir" . "782.5241588147" . . . . "781.47 |c Met begeleiding |d With accompaniment" .