Come ye sons of art away, Z. 323 (1694). Strike the viol, touch the lute, zangstem, b.c. (a) an entity of type: MusicComposition

Come ye sons of art away, Z. 323 (1694). Strike the viol, touch the lute, zangstem, b.c. (a) 
PURCELL, HENRY |f [componist] 
TATE, NAHUM |f [tekstdichter] 
Come ye sons of art away, Z. 323 (1694). Strike the viol, touch the lute, zangstem, b.c. (a) 
154066 442115 Come ye sons of art away, Z. 323 (1694). Strike the viol, touch the lute, zangstem, b.c. (a) PURCELL, HENRY |f [componist] TATE, NAHUM |f [tekstdichter] 

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