I wish my love were in a myre, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:177 (1800, Bes gr.t., Again rejoicing Nature sees)

https://data.muziekschatten.nl/som/443113 an entity of type: MusicComposition

I wish my love were in a myre, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:177 (1800, Bes gr.t., Again rejoicing Nature sees) 
BURNS, ROBERT |f [tekstdichter] 
HAYDN, JOSEPH |f [componist] 
I wish my love were in a myre, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:177 (1800, Bes gr.t., Again rejoicing Nature sees) 
157185 443113 BURNS, ROBERT |f [tekstdichter] HAYDN, JOSEPH |f [componist] I wish my love were in a myre, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:177 (1800, Bes gr.t., Again rejoicing Nature sees) 

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