O'er the hills and far away, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:149bis (1801, Awa, O how can my poor heart be glad)
https://data.muziekschatten.nl/som/443329 an entity of type: MusicComposition
O'er the hills and far away, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:149bis (1801, Awa, O how can my poor heart be glad)
BURNS, ROBERT |f [tekstdichter]
HAYDN, JOSEPH |f [componist]
O'er the hills and far away, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:149bis (1801, Awa, O how can my poor heart be glad)
157185 443329 BURNS, ROBERT |f [tekstdichter] HAYDN, JOSEPH |f [componist] O'er the hills and far away, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:149bis (1801, Awa, O how can my poor heart be glad)