The rock and a wee pickle tow, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2) (1803, F gr.t., O were I as fleet as the wings of the wind, ten onrechte toegeschreven aan J. Haydn (Hob. XXXIa:253B), de componist is S. Neukomm) an entity of type: MusicComposition
The rock and a wee pickle tow, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2) (1803, F gr.t., O were I as fleet as the wings of the wind, ten onrechte toegeschreven aan J. Haydn (Hob. XXXIa:253B), de componist is S. Neukomm)
GRANT, ANNE |f [tekstdichter]
HAYDN, JOSEPH |f [componist]
NEUKOMM, SIGISMUND |f [componist]
The rock and a wee pickle tow, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2) (1803, F gr.t., O were I as fleet as the wings of the wind, ten onrechte toegeschreven aan J. Haydn (Hob. XXXIa:253B), de componist is S. Neukomm)
173733 461502 GRANT, ANNE |f [tekstdichter] HAYDN, JOSEPH |f [componist] NEUKOMM, SIGISMUND |f [componist] The rock and a wee pickle tow, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2) (1803, F gr.t., O were I as fleet as the wings of the wind, ten onrechte toegeschreven aan J. Haydn (Hob. XXXIa:253B), de componist is S. Neukomm)