Piesn wójta, zangstem, piano (C gr.t., Song of the head of a village)

https://data.muziekschatten.nl/som/71708 an entity of type: MusicComposition

Piesn wójta, zangstem, piano (C gr.t., Song of the head of a village) 
14619  88821  183937 
MONIUSZKO, STANISLAW |f [componist] 
KONDRATOWICZ, LUDWIK |f [tekstdichter] 
Piesn wójta, zangstem, piano (C gr.t., Song of the head of a village) 
14619 183937 71708 88821 KONDRATOWICZ, LUDWIK |f [tekstdichter] MANÛSKA MONIUSZKO, STANISLAW |f [componist] Piesn wójta, zangstem, piano (C gr.t., Song of the head of a village) SYROKOMLA 

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