Madrigals and mottets, set 001. 1612. What is our life? = Was ist das Leben?, zangstemmen (5) an entity of type: MusicComposition

Madrigals and mottets, set 001. 1612. What is our life? = Was ist das Leben?, zangstemmen (5) 
GIBBONS, ORLANDO |f [componist] 
RALEIGH, WALTER |f [tekstdichter] 
Madrigals and mottets, set 001. 1612. What is our life? = Was ist das Leben?, zangstemmen (5) 
159345 87244 GIBBONS, ORLANDO |f [componist] Madrigals and mottets, set 001. 1612. What is our life? = Was ist das Leben?, zangstemmen (5) RALEIGH, WALTER |f [tekstdichter] 

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